How to Improve Your Credit Score?

Oct 14, 2024

High credit scores are not only important for showing how well you can manage money but also in securing the best deals for your mortgage, credit card and personal loans.


Pay on time

Making regular payments on time shows you’re a reliable borrower and trust in handling credit responsibility. Which in the future leads to more credit choices and lower interest rates.


Minimise debt

Minimising debt is effective for higher credit scores for some different reasons but ultimately lenders are more likely to offer credit to those with less debt payments.


Avoid moving a lot

Although this is uncontrollable sometimes, your address contributes to your identity and acts to make you seem secure to lenders when your address is the same for a long period. To instantly boost your credit score, make sure you are on the electoral roll.


Prevent credit file fraud

Fraud on your credit file can lead to credit being taken out in your name Monitor your file and report any discrepancies


Credit builder loan

Apply for a credit builder loan with us and steadily increase your credit score while borrowing.

Apply here!


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How to Improve Your Credit Score?

by | Oct 14, 2024 | News, Tips and Guides